D. Scott Carruthers Blog

Six Bitcoin Alternatives to Watch

Six Bitcoin Alternatives to Watch

  Bitcoin may not be the hottest coin on the market today, but it’s certainly the one getting the most attention in the news cycle. People are selling houses and taking second jobs to...

What Happens To Your Data After You Click Submit?

What Happens To Your Data After You Click Submit?

Businesses generate and collect all sorts of data over time. Any organization will have data about its products, services, customers, suppliers, employees, transactions, and inventory to name a few. All this data is collected...

How Technology Alters Business

There was a time when people used to rely on their physical strength and manual work to get things done. This was long before the widespread implementation of technology systems that automated the way...

Robert Tweed

Tech Upgrades to Increase Home’s Value

When someone purchases an asset, they are paying for the original value less any depreciation up to date. This way, the new owner will not be held responsible for what the previous asset holder...

5 Smart Ways to Use Technology In Classrooms

5 Smart Ways to Use Technology In Classrooms

Let’s all admit it folks, education just ain’t what it used to be. It’s faster paced, common core driven, and technology enhanced to prepare the next generations for the ever-changing work force. In order...

9 Gadgets You Never Knew You Needed

Technology keeps changing at a rate many people are not able to keep up with, and that leads to many people missing out on many vital gadgets. The age we are living in is...